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Giddy-up Ergonomic Saddle Seat – Adjustable Task Chair


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An adjustable scientifically studied ergonomic saddle task chair to improve spine, pelvic and lumbar posture. This saddle seating system includes the functionality to vary the seat pan angle to optimize a user’s lumbo-pelvic posture. The saddle seat design also places the hips in a more neutral position compared to a traditional flat seat.

Each ergonomic saddle seat includes:

  1. ergonomically designed saddle seat
  2. extra foam for increased comfort
  3. adjustable seat pan angle (12 degrees variation) to help find the “sweet spot” for those that suffer with low back pain or for those that what to prevent lower back pain.
  4. adjustable seat height to accommodate differing workstations
  5. polished chrome finish
  6. castors for easy maneuverability

Pelvic Tilt


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