Cervical models of the human spine are dynamic and realistic showing flexible joints to help patients understand their own anatomy. The models have been crafted from real cadaveric specimens which show a number of pathoanatomical conditions. Clinicians and teachers use these models to educate the dynamics and health of spine. Choose between our professional models, degenerative herniating models, spinal stenosis models and more.
Patient education is often at the foundation of a great doctor-patient relationship. We create tools to help build this bridge. Explore.
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A C6-7 dynamic model showing a central herniating and dynamically extruding nucleus only under load. Show six degrees of freedom with this degenerated model.
Several select models to help educate spine patients with almost any condition. Equip yourself with the ability to teach patients their problems when offering solutions.
This one level cervical C5-6 spine model is crafted with an annulus and nucleus along with the PLL and ALL showing dynamic loads under compression.